Monday, January 9, 2012

Shoot For A Cure this weekend!!

Pink Heat is back in action with our first fundraiser of 2012!

This weekend the Butler Archers and 60X ( ) will host the their 2nd annual Breast Cancer Shoot with proceeds benefiting the American Cancer Society on behalf of Pink Heat!

The shoot will be held this Friday, January 13, 14 & 15th. We will be shooting a 600 round under PSAA rules. We will shoot @ 7 pm on the 13th, 2pm and 6pm on the 14th & 10 am on the 15th with a 2pm youth line on the 15th as well!! All youth that shoot the 2pm line will go home with a trophy!! ALL of the proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society. Pre-registration in not required but is recommended to ensure you have a spot. The cost per shooter is $10 for adults & $8 for kids.

A Mission Craze has also been donated by Clint Palm at Mission Archery!! Make sure to get your chance on it! The kitchen will also be open with all proceeds benefiting The American Cancer Society as well! New Shootin' For A Cure shirts will be on sale, as well as Pink Heat shirts, and other breast cancer awareness items. Come out and help us shoot for a cure!!

You can reserve your spot by calling Dawn @ 724-525-0507! Let's try to crush last years number of $2300.00+!!!!!!!

There are only a few spots left for Friday night or Saturday afternoon. The 6pm line on Saturday is SOLD OUT!! THE YOUTH LINE IS SOLD OUT!! THE HEAT IS ON!